
Welcome to Willows

Welcome to Willows

We are a small Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 class at Hennock Primary School and our teachers are Miss Gentille, Miss Scholz and Mrs Way.
We enjoy taking part in lots of hands-on experiences that make our learning real and memorable. Sometimes our learning is guided and sometimes we explore our learning in our play giving us confidence, building our independence and helping us to develop our social skills.
Everyday we work hard to build our learning power by being Achievosaurs:

I can learn from my mistakes - Stickosaurus

Challenges help me grow - Solversaurus Rex

Effort leads to improvement - Tryatops

We learn from each other - Shareonyx

Feedback helps me improve - Thinkodocus

Kindness builds friendships- Kindatops

I can ask for help when I need it- Askaraptor

Helpful Links to support your child with their learning
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