
School Day & Safe Collection of Children

Our school has a safe collection of children policy, which can be found below: 

School Day and Safe Collection of Children

School Day 
Hennock Community Primary School offers total weekly hours of 32.5 for compulsory attendance. 
The school bell rings at 08.50am and all children must arrive by this time.
Morning Break is at 10.30 to 10.45am
Lunch Break for Pre-School, Reception and year 1 children is 12.15 - 13.15
Lunch Break for Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 children is 12.30 - 1.30
Reception to Y6 Children finish lessons at 3:25pm – once they have gathered their things, they can be collected shortly after from the playground area.
In addition to the safe collection of children policy above, we have some specific rules at Hennock Community Primary School.
Children walking home:
Children may only walk home if they are in Year 5 or 6 and if we have express written permission from parents on the days they are walking. This could be given as permission to walk every day or on specific dates. 
Late collection:
We understand that sometimes traffic can be poor or other difficulties can arise when collecting children so we will look after your children for 15 minutes after school if this is the case - please call us if you can to let us know. 