
Birch: Year 3 & 4

Welcome to Brilliant Birch
Welcome to Brilliant Birch!
We work hard in all aspects of our learning, challenging ourselves as well as each other so we can be the best we can be!
We use the School Values
I'M BEING to help us in our learning and our daily lives.
We celebrate these using Dojo points and at the end of each week we reflect on our learning and how we have done. 
We use our Growth Mindset and 5 B's to support us with our learning and we are really good at using the resources in our classroom independently to help us too.
Website links to support homelearning:
Homelearning is an essential part of a child's education as it supports the learning they are doing in school.
We complete 'spelling checks' every Friday and we complete a timestable check every Wednesday.
To support your child at home please complete 10 minutes of spelling practice, 10 minutes of timestable practice and at least 15 minutes of reading each weekday evening. Taking just over half an hour an evening.
This practice can either be completed online on Ed Shed or TT Rockstars or in their homelearning book, where their weekly spellings are added. The children are also given multiplication sheets that they can complete. 
You can also complete these orally and record it in their homelearning book.
Children are also provided with a reading record where they can record what they have found out about their book so far as well as noting down comprehension questions that they have been asked by you or another family member.
Each half term, children will be provided with a homelearning menu with activities linked to that half term's learning. Children can complete these tasks at home alongside parents and other family members. At the end of the half term, homelearning is celebrated at end of half term assembly where children are issued with certificates for levels of engagement.