Welcome to Saplings!
The children in Saplings are encouraged to learn through play and exploration, through being active, creative and thinking critically. The staff aim for the children to be inspired by their experiences; motivated by stimulating environments and equipment; fully engaged in their learning and, ultimately, to be empowered to continue to explore and learn themselves, independently. This is managed through carefully planned lessons and activities and opportunities for adult-led and adult- directed sessions as well as ample opportunity for child-initiated learning.
Please have a look at our video below for a flavour of what we do!
What sorts of thing do children learn about in Saplings?
In Saplings we build our learning around a fortnightly book based on the Book Buds scheme. This allows us to really focus in on one book, whilst sharing a range of linked books along a similar theme. Although this learning primarily focuses on the development of Communication and language skills we are inspired to explore a range of linked learning that covers all areas of the EYFS curriculum. Children always enjoy building their knowledge around a book and there are abundant opportunities for them to lead the learning through their own interests during independent Child initiated learning. Having a strong focus text also allows us to really promote reading and a love of books from our very youngest learners, something that we aim to foster and maintain throughout our school.
We explore daily adult led maths learning through play-based activities that explore early maths vocabulary and fundamental skills in number, pattern and shape. Children are then encouraged to revisit and explore concepts more deeply within their child-led independent learning.
In Saplings we love to get outside and explore our independent learning opportunities in our outside area, as well as within our classroom. We are also very lucky to have year six playleaders join us for singing, rhymes, music and games during our afternoon outside play.
Transition into Hennock Primary School
Saplings class work closely with our Willows class, which have our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children. This means that the pre-schoolers get to know their future classmates and teachers really well before they start in September. The Reception and KS1 teachers oversee and plan the learning for the preschool children, ensuring a clear progression of skills throughout our EYFS and into KS1. As a small school its really important to us that all children feel valued within our school setting and staff work closely together to ensure that all children are known as individuals and valued for their own development as people and learners.