Mrs Sarah Reddington
Academy Head - Designated Safeguarding Officer
Miss Issy Fraser
Ash Class Teacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Sarah Luxton
Birch Class Teacher, SEND Lead and Senior Teacher
Mrs Helen Way
Reception and Willows Class Teacher
Miss Olivia Gentile
Willow Class Teacher
Mrs Vicky McDonald
Administrator and Staff Governor
Mrs Debbie Parris
Pre-school Leader
Mr Tayler Pierce
PE (Monday) (Currently on Paternity Leave)
Mrs Nikki Racey
Inclusion Hub Therapeutic Lead
Miss Sibi Moor
Inclusion hub TA
Mrs Rachel Ball
Teaching Assistant
Miss Alice Howarth
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Emma Beer
Teaching Assistant & Breakfast club lead
Mrs Marie Brooks
Teaching Assistant & ASC Lead
Mr Dan Martin
Wrap Around Care Assistant
Miss Leanne Fone
Kitchen Manager
Mrs Pat Manning
Catering Assistant
Mrs Lynda Cooper
Parent Governor
Lynda Cooper holds the position of Parent Governor for Hennock. She has had this role for six years, and has previously also acted as Chair of the Moorland Hub. Lynda has a daughter (Sophie) currently in Birch class. She works as an editor for Jessica Kingsley Publishers, focusing on books for and about the autistic community. Lynda can be contacted at
Miss Susan Stansfield
Data Protection Officer