
Pupil Premium

Hennock Primary School's Pupil Premium Core Offer
For any child at school who is in receipt of the pupil premium, we offer the following as a core offer for all children:


  •  Ordinarily Available Inclusive Provision (OAIP) at centre of all teaching
  • Teachers working with small groups and when needed 1:1 (in discussion with the Academy Head and SENDCo.)
  • Teaching assistants supporting personalised programmes through Provision Mapping and specific intervention such as Speech and Language work or SEMH support
  • Regular staff training in areas relevant to our pupil premium families’ needs


  • Provision to facilitate off-site educational activities
  • Resource time to support multi-agency working through Early Help process and for TAFs (Team around the Family). Increasing the life chances of children involved
  • Subsidising trips and educational visits at the Academy Head's discretion
  • Subsidising access to wrap around care at the Academy Head's discretion

Pupil Well-being:

  • After School and Lunchtime clubs to improve social interaction
  • Support through the Thrive Approach and ELSA (emotional literacy support assistant) in school
  • IIH (Inclusion and Improvement Hub) support - SEMH pupil courses, SEND Support, staff CPD & access to Educational Psychologist where required
  • Lego Therapy, Therapeutic Play, Grieving in Puddles, Attachment Based Mentoring
  • Early Help

 Measurement criteria:

  • To narrow the gap in pupil outcomes so that pupil premium children are achieving in line with peers.
  • Barriers to learning, such as behaviour, attendance, accessibility in learning are reduced or removed.
Please find below the details about how our pupil premium funding supports the children in our school. 
PP STRATEGY 2024 - 2025